You're different you know that?

Mindy [to Tim]

You lost the right to my attention when you decided to leave without saying goodbye.


This is not about Liam, it’s not. It’s about you needing an enemy.


Ben: I’m starting to think the early seventies wasn’t the best time for stewardesses.
Addison: I am appreciating your feminist awakening.

I'd say that date with my brother just saved your life.


Joni: So are we safe here?
Mac: Of course.

Ben: Everyone keeps telling me to stay in my lane, that I’m not a doctor anymore, but I am still a doctor, and I’m a firefighter. I am highly trained in both those fields. That should make me an asset, not a liability.
Sullivan: What makes you a liability is you run into burning buildings without permission. You deliberately defy your captain’s orders.
Ben: Yes, yes, I am defiant sometimes. I’m also brave. I’m wired for adrenaline, and I care about my fellow man. I’m smart, captain, and I’m capable, and I can think six steps ahead, and I’m tired of apologizing for that.

Bailey: I guess that means the stakeout is over.
Nolan: But that doesn't mean the date has to be.

The order was mine. In a fire scene, in all the chaos and unpredictability, a firefighter can only relay back to his incident commander the information he has at the time, but it is up to the chief to make a decision where or when to send the additional resources … It was I, not Captain Casey, not anyone else, but I who ordered them into the fire scene. So if you are looking to blame someone, if you are looking for a human scapegoat, blame me.


Jimbo: Well, looks like we're not going anywhere for a long time.
Director: We're snowed in?
Mayor: Yes! We're trapped!
Mr. Garrison: Like sailors on a submarine...
Mayor: My god, this is the worst storm I have ever seen!
Director's Assistant: Oh, I have to get out of here; I haven't eaten since breakfast.
Officer Barbrady: Yeah, I'm getting kind of hungry, too!
Jimbo: I hope you all don't realize what we're facing here... Our only option might be each other to stay alive.
(Everybody in the building gasps in horror.)
Director: Uh... It's only been, like, four hours... Aren't you people resorting to cannablism a little quickly?
Jimbo: That's a while to live, Mr. Director. I don't eat plenty, but if some of us must die so the rest can stay alive so be it.
Mayor: do we decide who?
Jimbo: Well, we'll draw straws...
Director: Now, wait just a minute! You've all had a big breakfast! Can't you people live without eating for a while??
Jimbo: Calm down, soldier! We need every person here to keep his head! Barbrady, fetch some straws.
Director: Well, who the hell made you the boss, anyway??
Announcer: Who the hell made Jimbo boss? Was it: Officer Barbrady? Chef? Mr. Garrison?

Hey. I’ve got 11 year olds in there holding it together better than you. Reign it in.

Katie [to Jake]

Never try out for community theater, you two.

Johnny [to Dutch and D'av]