Mark: What about my burns center?
Derek: You were right, excellent danish.

I have to take a drug test?


Cee Lo: Do you mind me asking your age?
Preston: No I don't mind. It doesn't mean I'm gonna answer you.

Will: I'm done complaining that things used to be better. They weren't. I know they're not great now but we do have a lot to be thankful for.
Grace: We should have faith that it will get better.
Jack: The arc of history is long but it always bends towards justice.
Will: I'm guessing you dated a guy named Justice?
Jack: And we called my penis the arc of history.

We would like to start a registry, and we need everything. Everything. In organic only and gender-neutral colors, OK? Who's woke? Me!


Excuse me, do I come into your place of business and interrupt you when you're working?


Beth: I did what I had to do. You would’ve spent your life chasing phantoms. Waster your brilliant mind on a program that was never going to work. Sam Beckett was lost forever. Your dad never got over it. Is it so wrong for me to want to protect you from that same fate?
Janis: No, it isn’t wrong. I do have one question though. Did it ever occur to you that maybe I wouldn’t fail? Did you ever once consider that maybe your daughter was smart enough to succeed where everyone else went wrong? That I was the only one talented enough to make all of Dad’s dreams come true? [pause] Wow. I didn’t think so.

I was so angry at you for leaving. I don't want to feel that way anymore.

Bellamy [to Clarke]

I tell you that I love you, and not one word? For 17 days? Where have you been?


Bart: Don't we get to roast marshmallows?
Dolph: Shut up and eat your pinecone.

Sam: [to Callen]: Like I was saying: Fatal Attraction, baby.

Well, darlin', we all hope you're here for good. And not for evil.
