I’m happy. I’m safe. You did the right thing. Someday, we’ll see each other again, I know we will. But you have to live your own life now, create your own stories. Promise me you’ll be happy.


Mark: How’s our baby?
Devon: I’m going to assume that you mean that in the "It takes a village" sense, but she’s good.

Jordan: I don't know why you just can't forgive him.
Billy: I wouldn't even know where to begin.
Jordan: People make mistakes, dad. Whatever happened to second chances?

Julia: You have a really nice...
Sound guy: Tattoo?
Julia: Body.
Sound Guy: So do you.

I'm going to keep this short and sweet because that's what my Abuelita called me. To an old broad, who was never really old, who wanted to be celebrated, not mourned, and who showed us all how to live. To Marisol. You will be missed.


Miss Jessica: So, Mr. Stone, can you be discreet?
Aram: I'm Mr. Discreet.

Sonny: Please tell me that was Command calling telling us that we're going back to work. Because it's been over a week and I'm starting to go crazy.
Ray: No, it was Naima, just some vet center stuff.

D'avin: Johnny killed Delle Sayeh and now she's after him.
Zephyr: I'm not sure that makes sense.
D'avin: Baroness von Batshit has gone full Hullen.
Zephyr: Now that makes sense.

Rose: Every time we have sex I can feel his eyes burning a hole in the back of my head.
Charlie: That's gonna keep me up at night

It's like beating your wife and then buying her a diamond necklace.


Teresa: You could have gone to keep an eye on our product.
Pote: You have too many enemies tonight. Where you go, I go.
Teresa: Thank you.

Coulson: Do you know Thor?
Prof Randolph: Oh sure, I spend all my days palling around with the future King of Asgard. NO, I don’t know Thor.