Doesn't matter how tough we are, trauma always leaves a scar. It follows us home, it changes our lives, trauma messes everybody up, but maybe that's the point. All the pain and the fear and the crap. Maybe going through all of that is what keeps us moving forward. It's what pushes us. Maybe we have to get a little messed up, before we can step up.

Alex (narrating)

Surgeons are all messed up. We're butchers, messed up knife happy butchers. We cut people up, we move on. Patients die on our watch, we move on. We cause trauma, we suffer trauma. We don't have time to worry about all the blood and death and crap it really makes us feel.

Cristina: Iz, no we need to talk about it. You've been complaining about being really backed up, and I got you an appointment.
Alex: If you need an enema that bad, maybe you shouldn't have all these fries. (steals some of Izzie's fries)
Meredith: You really booked her an appointment for an enema?
Cristina: You can't just ay that you're all backed up and then just sit there Izzie. If you make the decision to get an enema, then you should get an enema.
Alex: I think that maybe you're the one that's backed up. Solo surgery panic? I tell you what, I'll scrub in with you and if you can't handle it, I'll take over.
Cristina: I, I don't, ok. You know what, I'm just saying enema's can be a serious business.
George: Ok, Izzie, enema's code for what?
Izzie: My enema, my business.
Cristina: Ah, 15 minutes!
Meredith: This is a really strange day.

Cristina: Hey, did you get my page? I got you the appointment. It's in like, 15 minutes. How amazing am I? It usually takes weeks to get in there. Ah, did you take a look at the research.
Izzie: Seriously. Can I just eat?
Cristina: No, I'm sorry you don't have time.
Alex: Time for what?
Izzie: There's... I... an enema.
Cristina: Ah, Izzie's enema.
Izzie: Yes, I was supposed to get an enema today, but I decided it can wait. How about we talk about something else?

Alex: What are you hiding?
Izzie: Ah, nothing. It's just work stuff.
Alex: What is that? A cool surgery?
Izzie: No. It's nothing. It's nothing.
Alex: Well, whatever it is they're gonna pick me. I already flew solo. You're still on training wheels.

Alex: I know you like teaching and that's great, but you need to start treating real patients, with real surgeries. Because once they see you as weak, it's over. And Izz, you can be a great surgeon. We could be great together. You just, you gotta stop screwing around. Because I don't wanna be the future of this hospital if you're not there with me. Okay?
Izzie: Okay.
Alex: (walks away)
Izzie: ALEX!
Alex: What?
Izzie: (kisses him)

Alex: Iz! they said I could do the distal anastomosis on my own.
Izzie: That's awesome!
Alex: That's crazy. They just told me I could be the future of this hospital. That I'm the resident to watch. And that's... I mean... I'm not the kinda guy who. I don't rise okay, I sink to the bottom. And now I'm getting all this, all this respect. And you... you gotta, you gotta stop wasting all your time with this patient X crap.

Meredith: What's this patient X thing that's taking all the interns?
Cristina: Yeah, and when's it gonna be over? I need minions to do my crap work!
Alex: It's some new teaching thing.
Cristina: We're all killing ourselves to get into the OR. When's the last time Izzie held a scalpel? She's falling behind. She's like the new O'Malley.
Alex: Izzie's nothing like O'Malley.
George: Hello?

Izzie: Look at you, with your stethoscope around your neck. Charting. I can totally see you in 10 years. A little salt and pepper in your hair, a big shot attending. You're gonna be a rock star Alex.
Alex: What is this?
Izzie: What? I can't fantasize about my boyfriend and his bright, bright future?
Alex: Shut up.

Alex: Dude, he is fried.
Meredith: He is not fried. He lost a patient, and got hit with a law suit all in one week. He just needs time.
Alex: He's been sitting there for 3 days. The sofa cushions are gonna start bonding to his ass, and he's eating all my cereal.
Izzie: He's taking stock. Something huge and life altering happened to him and he's taking stock. Figuring out his next move. We shouldn't judge him, we shouldn't rush him.
Alex: Whatever. Sylvia Plath's picking out all the marshmallows. Their the best part!
Lexie: And I'm pretty sure he's sitting on my keys. I'd ask him to move, but he looks so comfy.
Meredith: You guys are cowards!

Alex: Admit it. Her being around your guy bugs.
Meredith: Okay. It bugs a little.

Alex: Dudes. The patient can see you giggling over here like schoolgirls. Enough wise cracks.
Ryan: Cracks!

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
