Alex: Hello Jane.
Jane: Hello Newman.

You guys realize that we are just prawns in his game. Little shrimp swimming around and waiting to be eaten by a big shark named Max.

I get the P shaped sandwiches for Penny and Pete, but what is with the lower case b's?

Alex: You always said you looked great in a one piece.
Dave: I just don't understand why they're not acceptable to men anymore.

Well you know what they say, it's not a good gang hang until someone takes a major shot to the face.

Dave's been playing a lot of guitar lately. Some would say too much. I would say too much.

Penny: Davey what's the name of that movie about the horse that goes to the war?
Alex: Uhh War Biscuit, Duh.

Alex: You gave me a serious addiction to candy cigarettes.
Jane: You broke my Bob Dole action figure.

You had Jane plan you a backup wedding in an underground bunker just in case North Korea quote grew a pair, but you never thought of who's gonna walk you down the aisle?

Oh no, do not lump me in with this bullcorn. Ghosts are real. Just like warlocks and doolas. I am on the fence about chupacabras, not saying they're real, not saying they're not. They're real.

Dave: She has to read my energy in person. Don't you know how science works?
Alex: Hey hey, you know I don't.

If we put a man on the moon, I'm pretty sure we could put a chicos in the clouds.

Happy Endings Quotes

You're sweating on my bruschetta.

Jane [to Brad]

The weird part is, now that I have a guy, everybody wants to set me up. Oh I know Al! I should hook you up with one of my "extras."
