You should wear pants.


If it was easy, anybody could do it.


If my name was Cecil, almost anything would be preferable.


I was chasing that Spike guy, he ran into a whole group of people, and then all of a sudden that other guy was pointing a gun at me.


Holliday: If Sean had a gun -
Jane: He had a gun.

Mona died before the shooting, so I'm not sure what else she has to tell us.


I know you and I know Jane, and you don't just shoot people for no reason.

It comes at no surprise to you that I don't know what you're talking about.


Most of the time, I believe the truth helps the people who love these victims.


We all lie in our own little way, don't we?


That's how we tell the good guys from the bad guys. Good guys always feel it when something bad happens.


I mean what could be more fun than taking out your broke, homeless mother who's been dumped by your father.