You will follow him every step of the way and clean up his mess.

Chad: They think you are a God.
Anna: Who does that make you?
Chad: A believer. Can I tell you what I believe? You are not just visitors, you are here to stay. But, are you here for our benefit or for yours?

Joshua said you passed the empathy test - I never doubted you.

Our needs are simple and our desire to help is great.

Anna: I welcome opposition. It can only strengthen ones agenda.
Chad: Agenda? I thought this was a gift.

Let them have this one victory because I am about to deliver them a thousand defeats.

If we learned anything is that emotion is weakness. Love is the greatest flaw of humans and our best tool to break them. He says he misses his family, let's show him his family.

And remember we are of peace, always.

I think it's universal instinct for mothers to be protective of their daughters.

We are honored by your friendship. We will nurture, cherish it and never abandon it.

We are of peace. Always.

V Quotes

Is there such a thing as an ugly Visitor?


We are of peace. Always.
