Mercedes Jones has left the building.

My name is Artie Abrams and I'm in love with Tina Cohen Chang. She's not only sexy as hell, she also treats me like a real person.

Tina: Is it really so crazy for a girl to ask a boy for his hand in marriage these days?
Artie: When you're not even dating the boy?
Puck: Yes, it is.

Am I still here? Am I invisible?

I blame Sarah McLachlan.

I know you love Becky like a daughter, and you want to protect her, and I get it because of everything you've been through, but you have to let her go.

Artie: Are those strobe lights?
Sam: Believe it.
Artie: Because some kids might be epileptic.
Sam: Is it a seizure or is it just hardcore next-level breakdancing?

Kitty: Hey Crippy Longstocking, wait up!
Artie: That's offensive.
Kitty: Aw, boo hoo.

Artie: What we have on our hands is a lady manhunt. We need a hard target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse, and doghouse.
Finn: Ain't nobody got time for that.

[to Finn] It's not just girls who have body issues. Sometimes guys aren't cool showing off their bodies either.

Finn: Artie, man, you basically dragged me out of that tire shop telling me that this club was part of my destiny somehow. What did you even join? Your costume is ridiculous. It looks like a peacock died on your head!
Artie: It's called a plume.

Finn: The theme is 'Foreigner.' We're going to sing songs by Foreigner, in foreign languages, wearing all the costumes of the world's nations.
Artie: Wait, seriously? That's your idea?

Glee Quotes

You think this is hard? Try waterboarding. That's hard!

Sue Sylvestor

You think this is hard? I have hepatitis. That's hard!

Sue Sylvestor