Pete: What am I looking for?
Artie: Anything that might cause an electrical or chemical imbalance in the brain.
Pete: Oh, well, so a brain imblancer. That's easy. It's probably right next to his time travel machine.

Myka: Sleep. You look... you look terrible.
Artie: Thank you very much. You still have some monkey phlegm in your hair.
Myka: It's not phlegm...

Pete: My sister taught me how to read lips.
Myka: Why does your sister...?
Pete: Uh, the deaf find it handy.

Artie: Just... you know, just to clarify, you decided to re-create a clearly dangerous, potentially deadly experiment?
Claudia: Oh, sure, it sounds bad when you say it like that.

Artie: You're lucky I have an emergency travel kit in the trunk of my car.
Claudia: Well, "Serendipity" is my stripper name.

Children, don't fight. I can be both a d-bag and insane.

Myka: But it's still just a well-executed art theft. I mean, it doesn't automatically shout "warehouse," does it.
Artie: Things rarely shout "warehouse." They usually whisper, "Hey, that's a little odd."

Leena: She needs people like her.
Artie: Brash, rude, anti-social, impulsive?
Leena: We're discussing Claudia, not you.
Artie: See, that's kind of a low blow.

Artie: Shouldn't you be in college or something? Don't you want to be with people your own age?
Claudia: Artie, I'm not my own age.

Claudia: Would it have killed you to put a warning label on this thing?
Artie: Saying what? "Only put on in case of stupid?"

Myka, one day will you know all answers to all questions. Just not today.

I'd like to think of it as America's attic.