Well, I'm tired of this room and everyone in it. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna pop over to the casino for the next 135 hours!

Professor: Then we plunged into a massive worm hole, never to be seen again...
Bender: Yeah we're back!
Hermes: Sweet coincidence of Port Au Prince, we're back at Earth!
Professor: Of course! That was the Panama worm hole, Earth's central channel for shipping.
Dr. Zoidberg: How humorous.
Professor: It's sort of a Comedy Central shipping channel and now we're on it.
Amy: I get it!

Santa: Ho, ho, ho! You've been very naughty, Bender.
Bender: What? Me? I didn't do nothing. You're thinking of the kid.
Santa: My God, Bender! Framing an orphan? That's so naughty I'll have to add it to my list right now.

Leela: Impressive. They're busting mad rhymes with an 80% success rate.
Bender: I believe that qualifies as ill. At least from a technical standpoint.

Bender: Well I'm not doing it! It's a robot holiday.
Fry: Really? Which one?
Bender: Only Robannukah, the holiest two weeks on the robot calendar.
Leela: Oh, come on, Bender. Last month it was "Robomadom" and before that "Robonza".
Fry: Man, that one was a blast!
Bender: It wasn't just "a blast". It was a sacred tribute to my ancestral prototypes which happened to take the form of a drinking contest.

Fender: Easy, baby. You don't wanna get hooked on this stuff.
Bender: Eh, no need to worry. I don't have an addictive personality.

Bender: Friends! Friends! Surely you're not going to eat before we say Robot Grace? In the name of all that is good and logical we give thanks for the chemical energy we are about to absorb. To quote the prophet Jerematic: 1000101010101... (Time Lapse)... 010110012. Amen.

Bender: Don't worry, guys. I'll never be too good or too evil again. From now on, I'll just be me.
Leela: Uh... Do you think you could be a little less evil than that?
Bender: I don't know... Do you think you could survive a seven-hundred foot fall?
Fry: (chuckles) Good ol' Bender.

(talking in his sleep) Hey, sexy mama, wanna kill all humans?

Bite my red-hot glowing ass.

Bender: You humans think robots are only to make your lives better.
Fry: Well aren't they?
Bender: I've never made anyone's life easier and you know it!

Morbo: News of the mines closing sent titanium prices skyrocketing.
Bender: Alright! I'm rich!
Leela: What are you talking about?
Bender: My body's 40% titanium! I'm finally richer than those snooty ATM machines.
Fry: Too bad you can't spend it.
Bender: Oh, can't I?
Fry: No.

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!