You wouldn't be jealous if you didn't really care about me, would you?

Ben [to Dylan]

You are a very bad influence on me, you know that?

Ben [to Dylan]

I'm not really desperate, I'm just smitten.

I'm that desperate to have one good year of high school.

No one's speaking to Madison, or Henry, so the two of them have apparently bonded.

She's a redhead. I love redheads.

Adrian, give up Ricky. Not for him, but for you.

You were going to wait until next year, knowing how you feel about Alice now?

Ben [to Henry]

Leo: I don't know what to say except...
Ben: I'm glad you have a prenup?

I take it you couldn't find anyone to play with so you came home?

Ben [to Adrian]

What if you had gotten pregnant again? What if you had somehow managed to seduce me and get pregnant again like you planned? Would you still be trying to kick me out of our condo?

Ben [to Adrian]

Apparently I come from a long line of alcoholics.