Now, how is it that you two just so happened to be directly under the victim when he plummeted to his death?

What's the point of being in charge if you can't change anything but your diet?

Pope: Could you knock? Just since I'm...Chief?
Brenda: Interim Chief? You wanted to see me?

Doin' this job, reportin' to Taylor, I'd rather put pins in my eyes, I swear!

Fritz: See, I appreciate you.
Brenda: Oh, yes you do.
Fritz: And I'm naked.

It's so infuriatin' to work so hard for so long and with so little appreciation from people.

Provenza: Do you have any idea what this is about?
Brenda: Yes, it's about to make me crazy, that's what it's about.

Raydor: Chief Johnson, did you know Mr. Baylor would be murdered after you dropped him off at his house?
Brenda: I'm not a fortune teller. He asked me to take him home, I took him there. I did nothin' wrong.

Brenda: David, you went over my head.
Gabriel: Yes I did.
Brenda: I'll try to make sure you never feel the need to do that again.

Brenda: Where'd you get this?
Sarge: You just put it on the table.

Brenda: If anyone wants sweet potatoes, pass your plates down.
Raydor: I did the marshmallows on those.
Brenda: Oh, did you? They're kinda burnt.

Brenda: Any luck getting my present from you?
Fritz: You didn't really think I was going to find an Albanian translator on Christmas Day, did you?
Brenda: Oh, I ask you for one thing...

The Closer Quotes

[To Sgt. Gabriel] I should probably explain that I do not form my relationships with people based on how they're treating you. That would be your mother, maybe.


If I liked being called a bitch to my face, I'd still be married.
