What does this symbol mean? It's the number 8, and equals sign and then a greater than symbol.

Jeff: What am I not good at?
Britta: Sex.

Maybe we all need some space, to pull the knife out of the back of the most celebrated Canadian alt-rock band of the 90s you selfish, jaded ass!

If you have to ask if it's homophobic to ask questions, haven't you already answered your own question?

Nurse: Mr. Hawthorne is requesting Sour Face.
Pierce: Is that you death?
Britta: No it's me, Britta.

Britta: Do you know what Dylan Thomas said about death?
Pierce: No, tell me.
Britta: Ok, bluff called.

Pierce: Britta, you're the selfless one in the group, right?
Britta: Wouldn't know, haven't thought about myself in years.

It's called a Complisult. Part compliment, part insult. He invented them. I coined the term. See what I just did there? That was an explainabrag.

Thank god he didn't take it. Could you imagine bouncing a check to Kunta Kinte?

Jeff: Everyone wants you to shut up.
Britta: And yet I won't. Case in point.

I can't believe our assignment is to make a diorama of us making our nineteenth diorama.

Abed: The Cape is premiering!
Britta: Humanity is premiering you jag!

Community Quotes

Abed: This is kinda like Breakfast Club, right?
Pierce: Is there breakfast?

The state bar has suspended my license. They found out my college degree was less than legitimate.
