I thought you were going to tell me that I was an idiot and that's bullying and I won't tolerate that.

Let me break it down. No one in this musty choir room compares to my megawatt star power. Blaine, you're shorter than a lawn gnome. Joe, you look like a Yucatan spider monkey. Tina is...you're just Tina.

Santana: You're acting like a completely different person and it's making me sad.
Brittany: Well get over it because sadness is stupid.

My entire life, people have always told me that I was stupid. And after a while I started to believe it. And it wasn't until I walked in this room and I joined this club, that I really started believing in myself. And as soon as I did that, as soon as I started believing that maybe I was smart after all, the whole world did too. And I'm really gonna miss you guys. Cause you guys are like my family.

They said I have the most gifted mind in a generation.

(about the lilies) They’re the lesbian of flowers.

I'm the angel that torches stuff with her laser eyes!

The armrests are the sweetest meat.

[to Santana] Okay, I may be a genius, but how can I argue with the logic of your giant, generous heart?

Brittany: As a math genius, I am one of the few people who understand the concept of infinity and I will love you until infinity, Santana Lopez.
Santana: And I will love you until infinity too, Britt.

Blaine: Where's the bed?
Brittany: I removed it because when I imagined you two having sex I imagined a U-haul mounting a moped.

[to Kurt] You know, these Mounds bars are delicious, but you have to eat them. If you just hold them in your hand hoping that you might get to eat them one day, they're going to melt and you'll look like somebody just pooped in your hand. Don't let waiting for things to maybe work out with Blaine turn you into the guy who looks like somebody just pooped in their hand.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
