Arizona: Hey, you know I'm working with Cristina. She's interested in peds.
Callie: No she isn't.
Arizona: Yeah she is.
Callie: Oh ok. Well.
Arizona: What, did she say something to you?
Callie: She didn't have to. She's Cristina.
Arizona: Oh ok, you're gonna have to help me out here. 'Cause I don't know what that means.
Callie: I shouldn't say anything she's my roommate.... And you're my girlfriend. Girlfriend trumps roommate. Ok, fine. She's Cristina. She's all about cardio. So, she's probably sucking up to you to get through the merger. I mean, is she good with the kids?
Arizona: Oh, she's sucking up.
Callie: Yeah.

Arizona: Oh, I have wine. White and Red, and I have cigarettes. Which is awful I know, but I only smoke on very rare, very occasionally. And, only when I know I'm gonna be in trouble. Like now.
Callie: It was inappropriate. Not to mention manipulative and stupid. You smoke?
Arizona: I know. Listen, I know you have every right to be mad at me but I ran out of options. So...
Callie: It's an expensive test, there was no indication to do it, there was a reason Webber turned you down.
Arizona: So you didn't do it?
Callie: Of course I did it Arizona.
Arizona: Thank you!

Arizona: I'm so sorry. I just heard. I don't know what to say. Go home, you need to go home. You need to cry and scream and... When my brother died I ate doughnuts. I ate a lot of doughnuts and that helped some but, god. I don't... I don't know what to say.
Callie: His Mom wants me to decide about his organs. He lost his wallet in the accident. They don't know if he's a donor and now his Mom wants me to decide, and I can't. I can't tell her no, but I can't decide. I mean, we were only married for a few months.
Arizona: Ok. But, during those months you were the most important person in George's life.
Callie: No. I wasn't.

Cristina: You slept here?
Callie: I'm awake. What?
Cristina: You slept here? I slept here!
Callie: Um, how? Wait... who? What?
Cristina: I slept in the on call room.
Callie: Oh.
Cristina: I could have been at home in my own bed.
Callie: Sorry.
Cristina: Now I have to work all day, and then I have to be happy maid of honour and get Meredith down the aisle. I'm so tired, 'cause I slept here! 'Cause you wanted to get your freak on with roller skate girl.
Callie: I am sorry. I was gonna, but, we went to dinner and, things didn't... I wasn't in the mood. I had to be here early anyway, to run the ER, so...
Cristina: Oh, you're picking up extra shifts in the ER? So is ah, is Owen not here today?
Callie: Ah, he's here. Oh crap! I'm late. Hey.
Meredith: Hey.
Cristina: BIG DAY! Biggest day of your life!
Meredith: Don't do that! Don't do the peppy maid of honour thing, it's creepy!
Cristina: Really? Good. Wait... is this like the calm before the storm? Do you need me to drug you? Or shave of your eyebrows to numb you into submission?
Meredith: No! I'm fine. It's not the biggest day of my life. It's the biggest day of Izzie's life. I'm excited about the marriage, not some wedding. Anyway, she's the one that's gone all bridezilla.
Cristina: Briiiideeezillaaaaaaaaa...

Mark: I got you a present.
Callie: I told you, you can't give me money. Even if you are a fancy plastic surgeon. I am not your charity case. I am not your mistress. I am your friend, your equal. So...
Mark: It's not money.
Callie: Oh really? 'Cause I was just doing the poor but proud thing for show before I accepted your government cheese.
Mark: It's better than money. Wait. She fell out of a tree and broke all her limbs.
Callie: Oh, that is better.

I am stubbornly choosing to believe that not all people are evil and bad and leave me at airports.

CALLIE: "We went to Vegas. My idea. I embrace the trashy."
ADDISON: "That's... not that I'm not happy for you, but why? Married. So. Fast."
CALLIE: "You know those cartoons, where there's a bear and it's starving, and it looks at a cute intern?"
ADDISON: "Well, congratulations."
CALLIE: [shows her the ring] "It's small. I know it's small."
ADDISON: "It's beautiful."

Bailey: Give me back my bottle.
Callie: Teddy needs it she's pathetic.

I like penis. I'm a huge huge fan of penis.

Arizona: You're amazing.
Callie: We're amazing.

Callie: Hey, so, I can't afford rent.
Cristina: Owen just told me to "take care now."
Callie: Nice, it's three words.
Arizona: Yeah, it's more than she's getting from any of her family.
Callie: My mom's silent, my ant's silent, my sister Aria... I know. I know how much power my father wields, but, seriously. What am I, invisible? Dead to them? To my mother?
Arizona: You just have to give them some more time.
Cristina: Why can't you just tell them you guys broke up? It's no ones business who you go out with anyway. Right?
Arizona: And I will leave you to ponder that.
Callie: You really I should lie?
Cristina: I really think you should pay rent. But, you know, whatever. Take care now.

Callie: Find a grownup that you like and date, like a grownup.
Mark: I don't know what that means.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
