Mark: I got you a present.
Callie: I told you, you can't give me money. Even if you are a fancy plastic surgeon. I am not your charity case. I am not your mistress. I am your friend, your equal. So...
Mark: It's not money.
Callie: Oh really? 'Cause I was just doing the poor but proud thing for show before I accepted your government cheese.
Mark: It's better than money. Wait. She fell out of a tree and broke all her limbs.
Callie: Oh, that is better.

Cheerleader: I am never gonna be captian again!
Callie: You know, I was... I was fired from a job recently-
Cheerleader: You were fired from being a doctor and they let you cut open my ass?!
Callie: Okay, shut your trap for eight seconds and let me finish. I didn't get fired from being a doctor, I got fired from being being like, well our version of squad captian. Which is mostly about organizing crap... not about surgery.
Cheerleader: So?
Callie: So, I got to go back to the part that I like... which is kind of a gift.

Callie: No it doesn't make any sense. Everyone wants kids and you of all people wear roller skates for shoes, I don't get it.
Arizona: You know what I don't know. Maybe there's something wrong with me. Because its not natural, its not womanly, maybe I am cold and heartless and dead inside.
Callie: I am not saying that.
Arizona: Yeah, but you are.

I am stubbornly choosing to believe that not all people are evil and bad and leave me at airports.

Really, please, go back to Malawi.

Arizona: Hey, you know I'm working with Cristina. She's interested in peds.
Callie: No she isn't.
Arizona: Yeah she is.
Callie: Oh ok. Well.
Arizona: What, did she say something to you?
Callie: She didn't have to. She's Cristina.
Arizona: Oh ok, you're gonna have to help me out here. 'Cause I don't know what that means.
Callie: I shouldn't say anything she's my roommate.... And you're my girlfriend. Girlfriend trumps roommate. Ok, fine. She's Cristina. She's all about cardio. So, she's probably sucking up to you to get through the merger. I mean, is she good with the kids?
Arizona: Oh, she's sucking up.
Callie: Yeah.

NO! WE ARE CLOSED TO TRAUMA! Because we have trauma coming out of our butts! OH, well HAVE A NICE DAY TO YOU TOO!

Callie: Look away. Stop staring at her.
Mark: I can't.

George: Callie... you haven't said anything and... just say something... please, anything.
Callie: I forgive you.
George: What?
Callie: You made a mistake, but we took vows, 'til death do we part so...I forgive you.

Mark: Did she, uh, she say goodbye to you?
Callie: No.
Mark: You okay?
Callie: Do I look okay?
Mark: You look great.
Callie: Then I'm okay.

Callie: You're an idiot. What is your problem?
Mark: He is proposing to her. That makes Little Her, his little sister. And I can't sleep with any more sisters. And she's young. And I'm her boss.
Callie: And I'm celibate.

Arizona: What went wrong last night?
Callie: Ah, I'm kinda busy here Arizona.
Arizona: I have 4 surgeries back to back, and a kid on life support. I'm kinda busy too. What went wrong?
Callie: Hey! That's not any better! Put him in the hall.
Arizona: We went out. To a 4 star restaurant, best in Seattle. It was supposed to be fun. Romantic. But, then you ordered a salad when they make the most delicious french food. Then you picked at it, barely spoke to me, and then bolted. So, what went wrong? I mean, did I do something?
Callie: I just wasn't feeling it, I was exhausted. Tired, sorry. HEY! I SAID THE HALL! The hall!

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
