Carrie: Why is it so hard for you to factor me into your life in any real way?
Mr Big: I guess old habits die hard.

Carrie: I have a crush.
Miranda: Um, yea, you haven't had a crush in a while, not since Big.
Carrie: Big wasn't a crush, he was a crash.

Charlotte: There was so much skin. It was like a shar pei.
Carrie: You've never seen an uncircumcised one?
Charlotte: I'm from Connecticut.

Mr. Big: So what have you been doing lately?
Carrie: You mean besides going out every night?
Mr. Big: Yeah. I mean, what do you do for work?
Carrie: Well, this is my work. I'm sort of a sexual anthropologist.
Mr. Big: You mean like a hooker?
Carrie: No. I write a column called 'Sex and the City.' Right now I'm researching an article about women who have sex like men. You know, they have sex and then afterwards they feel nothing.
Mr. Big: But you're not like that?
Carrie: Well, aren't you?
Mr. Big: Not a drop. Not even a half of a drop.
Carrie: Wow! What's wrong with you?

Charlotte: It's because women really just want to be rescued.
Carrie: (voiceover) There it was. The sentence independent single women in their thirties are never supposed to think, let alone say out loud.
Charlotte: I'm sorry but it's true. I've been dating since I was fifteen. I'm exhausted. Where is he?
Miranda: Who? The white knight?
Samantha: That only happens in fairy tales.
Charlotte: My hair hurts.

Charlotte is trying to decide whether to have anal sex with a man she's dating.
Miranda: It all depends on how much you like him?
Charlotte: A lot.
Miranda: "Dating a few months until somebody better comes along a lot", or "marrying him and moving to the East Hampton's" a lot?
Charlottte: I don't know, I'm not sure.
Miranda: Well, you better get sure real quick.
Charlotte: You're scaring me.
Carrie: Don't scare her.
Miranda: It's all about control. If he goes up there, there's gonna be a shift in power, either he'll have the upper hand or you will. Now there's a certain camp that believe whoever holds the dick, holds the power. (Cab Driver turns around) Hello, you're driving! The question is, if he goes up your butt, will he respect you more or respect you less? That's the issue.
Cab Driver: No smoking in cab.
Carrie: Sir, were talking "up the butt", a cigarette is in order.
(Cuts to Samantha now in the cab)
Samantha: Front. Back. Who cares? A hole is a hole.
Miranda: Can I quote you?
Samantha: Don't be so judgmental. You could use a little back door.
Charlotte: I'm not a hole.
Carrie: Honey, we know.
Samantha: Look, all I'm saying is this is a physical expression, that the body, well, it was designed to experience. And p.s., it's fabulous.

Samantha: Relationships have been on a decline since women came out of the cave, looked around, and said, "This isn't so hard."
Carrie: Okay, so you don't need a man, but you still want one.
Samantha: Oh honey, I want more than one.
Carrie: I can't decide whether you represent our future or our demise.
Samantha: I am the future!

Charlotte: Sometimes you just know, it's like, magic, it's fate.
Miranda: It's not fate, his light is on, that's all.
Charlotte: What light?
Miranda: Men are like cabs, when their available their light goes on. They awake one day and decide their ready to settle down, have babies, whatever, and they turn their light on. Next woman they pickup, boom, that' the one they'll marry. It's not fate, it's dumb luck.
Charlotte: I'm sorry, I refuse to believe that love is at random.
Miranda: Please, it's all about timing. You gotta get em, when their lights on.
Carrie: All the men I meet are flashing yellows.
Miranda: Or off duty. They can drive around for years picking up women and not be available.
Carrie: Then, they really shouldn't be allowed to get behind the wheel.

Samantha: If I had a son, I'd teach him all about sex.
Carrie: If you had a son, we'd call Social Services!

(the girls are jogging in the park)
Charlotte: Cute, who's that?
Miranda: An Ophthalmologist I once faked orgasms with.
Carrie: Ok, we're officially stopping.
Miranda: I only slept with him twice. The first time I faked it because it was never going to happen, and the second time I had to fake it because I faked it the first time.

We all get freaked out from time to time, but we keep trying because you have to figure, if the world fattest twins can find love there's hope for all of us. Somewhere, out there, there's another little freak who'll love us, understand us, will kiss our three heads and make it all better.

Carrie: I began to realize that being beautiful is like having a rent-controlled apartment overlooking the park: completely unfair and usually bestowed upon those who deserve it least.