Well it was off for awhile because my fiance was on his dad's yacht and got captured by pirates, but now, thanks to the A-Team, he's back.

These sunglasses have a chip in them that makes the lenses change color as my iPod loses power!

Liz: No one can find out about this ...
Cerie: Find out about what?
Liz: Pete's stealing money!
Pete: Liz's uterus fell out!
Cerie: I think I already knew that.

Like Carroll O'Connor, from Nick at Nite!

Liz: I'm 42, Cerie.
Cerie: I don't know what that is.

Liz: Do I look OK?
Cerie: That's exactly how you look.

The bridesmaids are you guys, Andy Roddick's wife, my Dutch cousins, and Penelope Cruz's hotter sister Monica.

[to Liz] You know this food area is always the first place I go to look for you.

Cerie: Guess what, everyone? I'm engaged!
Frank: Hey, this isn't going to change the way you dress or eat lollipops, is it?
Cerie: No.
Frank: Oh, then, congratulations.

As a frequent receiver of drunk messages, they are not cute. Even when they're from Liz.

Sorry Liz, I'm not even sure if they serve brunch after...the 90s.

[to Liz] Oh, he called about your lunch but I told him you had already eaten a weird panini.