These sunglasses have a chip in them that makes the lenses change color as my iPod loses power!

Liz: Um, yeah, okay. What I'm saying is you need to wear a bra to work if you wanna be taken seriously in this business.
Cerie: Oh, but I don't actually wanna work in television. Career-wise, I'm just gonna marry rich and design handbags.
Liz: Here's the thing. The way you dress is making some people around the office... uncomfortable.
Cerie: Really? Who?

Liz: Okay, this is gonna sound really weird. But, um, you need to wear a bra.
Cerie: Oh, no. I... I don't actually. They kinda just stay up on their own.

Cerie: Guess what, everyone? I'm engaged!
Frank: Hey, this isn't going to change the way you dress or eat lollipops, is it?
Cerie: No.
Frank: Oh, then, congratulations.

[to Liz] You know this food area is always the first place I go to look for you.

[to Liz] They want you on the 7th hour of The Today Show.

Liz: No one can find out about this ...
Cerie: Find out about what?
Liz: Pete's stealing money!
Pete: Liz's uterus fell out!
Cerie: I think I already knew that.

Liz: Do I look OK?
Cerie: That's exactly how you look.

[to Liz] Oh, he called about your lunch but I told him you had already eaten a weird panini.

As a frequent receiver of drunk messages, they are not cute. Even when they're from Liz.

The bridesmaids are you guys, Andy Roddick's wife, my Dutch cousins, and Penelope Cruz's hotter sister Monica.

Well it was off for awhile because my fiance was on his dad's yacht and got captured by pirates, but now, thanks to the A-Team, he's back.