Bring em on. Going one on one with the other side is only going to make me look better.

(to Jack) Have you seen what it's like outside? The sky's bleeding. I came to pray.

Chad: I just don't want to see anyone else get hurt.
Anna: Don't worry Chad, as soon as we stop the fifth column, no one else will.

Let your voice be heard. Show the world how much you care for Anna and the Visitor's.

Finding peace father?

Chad: They think you are a God.
Anna: Who does that make you?
Chad: A believer. Can I tell you what I believe? You are not just visitors, you are here to stay. But, are you here for our benefit or for yours?

Chad: I don't work for Anna.
Secretary of State: But, would you be here without her?

Anna: I welcome opposition. It can only strengthen ones agenda.
Chad: Agenda? I thought this was a gift.

I have to show Anna she's not the only one to get what she wants. When I'm done she'll be the one calling me.

Is there such a thing as an ugly Visitor?

V Quotes

Is there such a thing as an ugly Visitor?


We are of peace. Always.
