Miranda: Oh, cute purse.
Charlotte: No purses, there's no time for purses, this is gowns, specific.
Miranda: What's your theme again? A Nazi wedding?

Charlotte: The pink posties are for the gowns I kinda like, the green posties are for gowns I kinda really like and the yellow posties are for the gowns I don't know if I like.
Miranda: Kill me, please. Just take a sharp object and drag it across my throat.

Charlotte: He's married, Carrie.
Carrie: I know he's married.
Charlotte: That makes you the other woman, you're the other woman.
Carrie: I'm not the other woman, I'm not. I mean I know I am, but, I'm not that woman.

Charlotte: There are 1400 gowns in this magazine and I've only seen 600 of them, I need help.
Samantha: Okay, listen, you need to chill the fuck out and hire yourself a stylist.
Charlotte: A stylist?
Samantha: Some little minued to run around town and do your dress bidding.
Charlotte: I can hire someone to do that for me?
Samantha: Honey, this is New York city, you can hire someone to do anything. I'll fax you some names.
Charlotte: Oh thank you, thank you.

Samantha: Have you all had an AIDS test?
Carrie: Good morning, where did that come from?
Samantha: I just met this very hot guy and he won't sleep with me, unless I have a test.
Charlotte: Samantha, we're looking at wedding gowns, could you please not talk about AIDS right now?
Carrie: Wait, you've never had an HIV test?
Samantha: No! Have you?
Carrie: Two.
Miranda: Three. How can you not have had an AIDS test?
Carrie: She doesn't mean that the way it sounds. It's just that, well, why not, sweetie?
Samantha: I always practice safe sex.
(Carrie stares at her)
Samantha: Alright, I'm terrified. What if I have it?
Carrie: You don't have it.
Samantha: Sometimes, it takes me a really long time to get over a cold.
Carrie: That's not AIDS, that's central air.

Charlotte: You ever think about how she'd feel if she found out?
Carrie: Yes, I think about it all the time.
Charlotte: "No you don't "! You think about what will happen to you if she found out. You don't think about her, she's just the idiot wife. You don't know anything about her.

Charlotte: Well, I think that having it all really means having someone specail to share it with.
Samantha: Oh, please, that's so Barney.

Charlotte: Who knew all this existed in the meat packing district?
Miranda: Yes, just yards away from dumpsters full of decaying cow.

Samantha: Homemade quiche?
Charlotte: You made these?
Samantha: Oh, hell no! I had them delivered, along with dinner, the wine and a dvd of Affair to Remember, which were watching later, drunk.
Miranda: You can get dvd's delivered?
Samantha: I use this hot new delivery service. You call them, anything you want, they bring it within an hour.
Charlotte: Anything?
Samantha: Um, last night I ordered condoms.
Miranda: Please, tell me you didn't fuck the delivery guy?
Samantha: No, John, the hot guy from the gym. And let me just say, the condoms came a lot faster than he did.
Carrie: Now there's a nice slogan.

Charlotte: I did it. I negotiated with Bunny and I signed the pre-nup.
(Samantha and Miranda hold their breath)
Carrie: That's great sweetie.
Charlotte: I'm getting married.
Carrie, Samantha, Miranda: Congratulations.

Miranda: Um!
Charlotte: What?
Miranda: This is a little unusual, he has you on a vesting schedule. For every five years that you're married you get a percentage of five hundred thousand dollars.
Charlotte: I'm only worth five hundred thousand dollars?
Miranda: Over thirty years.
Carrie: Well, maybe that's their wholesale price?
Miranda: And, if you have any boys, you'll get another hundred grand free and clear.
Carrie: How much for girls?
Miranda: Nada!
Carrie: Well, that's just bad buisness.

Charlotte: You guys made it.
Carrie, Miranda, Samantha: hey!
Trey: Ladies, I see you've found the bar.
Miranda: We're good that way.

Sex and the City Quotes

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?


(After Carrie gets off Mr. Big's car)
Carrie: Wait! Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.