Carrie: Those muchies took my last tampon. Are you packing?
Samantha: No, okay, I'm not, I don't have a tampoon, and I'll probably never need one again.
Carrie: A simple no, is good enough.
Samantha: I haven't had my period in thiry-five days.
Charlotte: Are you....
Samatha: No, I'm not pregnant, I'm.....I'm drying up.
Carrie: Oh, come on, your overreacting, it was a stupid catalog.
SamanthaI'm day old bread and my time is up.
Miranda: For, someone with no period, you got a mean case pf PMS.
Carrie: You have years of miserable cramps ahead of you.
Samantha: Ladies, what I'm about to tell you may come as a shock, I'm a little older than you. (shakes her head)

I don't believe this! Now we're dumping guys for being too available! This is all solid proof of what I've been reading in this great new book. It says that if you really want to get married, you shouldn't be spending so much time around dysfunctional single women.

Charlotte: Isn't the opera romantic?
Carrie: Even more so with a man.
Charlotte: Well, I did expect to be taking Phil.
Carrie: It's quite a lovely evening you have planned, for a man you never even met.
Charlotte: Well, he sounded really nice.

Dennis: I think I'm in love with you, Charlotte.
Charlotte: Well you can't be in love with me, you're married to my friend.
Dennis: Yeah, things haven't been going so great with us lately, and ever since I saw you that night at dinner, I couldn't stop thinking about you.
Charlotte: This is not...
Dennis: No, no, come on, don't leave, don't leave!
Charlotte: You kept all of your great single friends away from me just so you can cheat on your wife? (slaps Dennis) You should be ashamed of yourself!
Dennis: You're such a spark plug, I love that about you!
Charlotte: I'm not interested in starting some married man's car!
Dennis: No, don't leave! Please! Please! I love you!

Carrie: It's just smooth sailing, nothing but calm seas and blue horizons, as far as the eye can see. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Miranda: Absolutely! There's not a cloud in sight.
Carrie: We adore each other, we have fun together, we mesh.
Charlotte: And that is a problem?
Carrie: No, it's just, well, it's just, it feels odd. You know, I'm used to the hunt, and this is effortless. It's, just, it's freaking me out.
Samantha: I totally understand, you're not getting the stomach flip.
Miranda: Which is really just a fear of losing the guy.
Carrie: Maybe I'm just not used to someone who doesn't do the ever seductive withholding dance.

Charlotte: Why would he say that?
Samantha: Maybe were fucking him.
Carrie: Well it's true, sweetie, he didn't say it at the dry cleaner's, he said it when he was in you.
Charlotte: Do you think I'm a whore?
Samantha: Oh please, if you're a whore, what does that make me?
(Silence from Miranda and Carrie)
Charlotte: Do you think I'm a whore?
Miranda: Well, you have had a decent amount of bone in you.
Charlotte: This is bad, nobody wants to marry a whore.

Charlotte: When he, you know...
Samantha: Came, orgasm, shot his wad.

Miranda: So, what did everybody do last night?
Samantha: Nothing.
Carrie: Nothing, of note.
Charlotte: I don't wanna talk about it.
Samantha: Why, what happended, you sleep with somebody on the second date?
Charlotte: No, it was the third date.

Charlotte: I mean all around my mouth.
Carrie and Miranda: Ewwww!
Charlotte: How do you think I felt? His tongue actually licked my teeth.
Samantha: I don't get it, did he want to fuck you or floss you?

Samantha: Well I am not about to back down to her. That is just not who I am.
Carrie: Yeah Samantha's right. She shouldn't have to sacrifice who she is just because somebody else has a problem with it.
Samantha: Thank you.
Carrie: It's like me with smoking. You know it's too bad that Aidan had a problem with it. But you have to accept people for who they are.
Miranda: Wait, you're choosing cigarettes over a cute guy?
Carrie: He's not that cute.
Miranda: You bought furniture he was so cute.
Carrie: OK, but for him to dump me like that over a little thing like smoking...
Charlotte: Smoking is not a little thing, it's a dirty disgusting habit and you're killing yourself!
Carrie: Thank you, chin.
Charlotte: Really, Carrie, we all hate it. We just put up with it because we love you. Now you have a reason to quit, so quit.
Carrie: You know, I really don't appreciate being ganged up on.
Miranda: Who's ganging up on you?
Carrie: Smoking is a part of who I am. I will quit when I want to quit, and it won't be because some cute guy told me to. Right, Samantha?
Samantha: No, honey. Fighting a battle for Chivon is one thing, but holding on to those nasty cigarettes, well that's just whack.
Miranda: Please tell me she didn't just say whack.

Charlotte: Don't make fun of me, my chin hurts.
Carrie: Yeah exactly what happened there?
Charlotte: He raped my face, I'm never seeing him again.

Charlotte: Maybe you should stop seeing him, race is a very big issue.
Samantha: No, there is no reason to bring race into this, Chivon is a sweet man, we have great sex and he happens to have the biggest....
Charlotte: Black cock, we know, he has a big black cock.
Samantha: I was about to say biggest heart, but now that you're so interested, yes, he does have a big black cock.
Miranda: It's a big Afro-American cock. Right, Charlotte?

Sex and the City Quotes

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?


(After Carrie gets off Mr. Big's car)
Carrie: Wait! Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.