Kono: and a word to the wise, Boriero is trained, I would not engage him hand to hand.
Danny: That's not going to happen, I like my gun.

Steve: Mouth guard.
Danny: You need a helmet not a mouth guard.

Chin Ho: Sounds like she's leaving her husband
Danny: That's gotta hurt, open your guest house to a guy who eats your food, drinks your beer, and helps himself to your wife.

Lori: Is this about the hot doctor from the museum? Ask her out.
Danny: He talked to you about this. What are we in high school?

Danny: I don't want a relationship
Steve: Coffee is not a relationship, it's a beverage.
Danny: Not true, every relationship has started with a cup of coffee.

Danny: The treasure Blake was looking for looks like he might have already found it.
Steve: Yeah, and it might have gotten him killed.

Danny: You use to do this?
Steve: I can neither confirm nor deny.
Chin Ho: I'm glad you're on our side.
Lori: Me too.

Danny: Tell me this, was there an operation "Abby Road"? Are you the Walrus? [looks at Joe] time to shutup?
Joe: Roger that.

Danny: You ever been married?
Lori: No, I was close.
Danny: Close only count's if you're playing horse shoes or hand grenades.

Lori: I just point out the truth; most men can't handle the truth when it comes to love
Danny: Oh, we can't handle the truth? What are we doing "A Few Good Men"?

Danny: Can we try not to get the new girl shot or blown up on her first day?
Steve: I can't make that promise.

Danny: woah, woah, try not to kill everyone in the compound, one of these hippies might know where Jen is.
Steve: Fine

Hawaii Five-0 Quotes

I just wanted to tell you I'm so sorry, so sorry.

Danny [to Marie]

Dealer: Game's closed unless you have an invitation.
Grover [holding up his badge]: Here's my invitation. It's even engraved.