This isn't Hollywood Pierce. If it were these glasses would be tinted and I'd be friends with Stevie Nicks too.

Luis Guzman: What the f*ck is that?
Dean Pelton: Oh that's a possum, once you spend some time with them you'll see they're just big gentle rats.

The Glee club is at Westside Hospital recuperating from a collective nervous breakdown.

And to think I let him captain my magic carpet in my dream last night.

Dean Pelton: If you had hit a small student, they could have died.
Chang: I wouldn't do that. I have a heavy flashlight for them.

I don't know who told you that pouting was an option with me, but all you're making me feel is a hatred for Renee Zelweggeer.

Pierce: I assume you are familiar with the Greendale bylaws.
Dean Pelton: I am not.

Did you know Greendale students are technically in the Army Reserve? Let's say a little prayer for peace.

Everyone wins. Except Abed. But, you know, not everyone can win.

I just heard from the Guiness rep. He's not coming. He's been fired in what he described as the world's biggest mistake.

Dean Pelton: I'm inclined to agree with the man in uniform.
Jeff: Shocker.

Come on I'm dean and my hands are so clean at this moment, I am stapling something.

Community Quotes

Abed: This is kinda like Breakfast Club, right?
Pierce: Is there breakfast?

The state bar has suspended my license. They found out my college degree was less than legitimate.
