You wanna stay here and not come with me? Why not? Seems to be a trend recently.

Meredith: I’m taking my son with me because I don’t want his first word to be hypothalamus.
Derek: There are worst first words.

It was a revolutionary glob of spit.

We know that every connection matters. Every connection is crucial and when one is broken, it usually means that the damage has been done. This system of connection compels us to act, choose and behave... sometimes seemingly against our own will, but it is not random at all. It is the map of who we are. We will work to understand ourselves... solve the puzzle of how all the connections work and how all the pieces fit.

Meredith: You pulled a sleeping baby out of daycare to do your dirty work. You're disgusting!
Derek: He's got his mother's sparkle.

Meredith: An hour and a half at the store to buy milk?
Derek: I think I might have closed my eyes in the store parking lot.

He's hungry. My nipples are of no use to him.

He's perfect. He's just perfect.

Meredith: We're having a c-section in the dark.
Derek: Yes, we are.

We are throwing Bailey under the bus.

Anyone who's not surgically necessary is not welcome in my OR.

I just got Zola her first fishing pole. It's pink.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
