Dixon: You do not have your own bowling ball!
Navid: What? It was for my Bar Mitzvah.

You know girls in Beverly Hills... I wanna roll in style.

I'm a black kid, living with a white family. It doesn't get any more different than that.

Dixon: This is a pretty disturbing moment between us, isn't it?
Annie: Let's never speak of it.

This is Johnny Ramone? I thought it was Howard Stern.

Dixon: Want to go with me to homecoming?
Silver: No
Dixon: Really? Why?
Silver: Because it's everything that's wrong with this place.... it's a big popularity contest set to music

Dixon: Christina came along and she exposed me to some really amazing things. But, I know you hate her.
Silver: Okay, well hate is a very strong word. Loathe and detest, maybe.

I'm here. And I'm gonna help you get help.

Dixon: You have the worst taste in music.
Annie: Shut up! I am your Mango!

Navid: We're getting married.
Dixon: Like married married?!?

I feel free. New year. New Dixon.

Me and Annie are doing our own thing now. I'm done dealing with her crap.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
