Allison: What is that?
Jo: I don't know.
Fargo: Cool! I love dragons!

Holly: Really Doug, a dragon?
Fargo: You weren't here; it had the claws and the wings
Holly: That doesn't change the fact their mythical, as in..mythical!
Fargo: Mythical is just another word for not yet discovered.

Fargo: What else could it be?
Holly: Chemical exposure: A big breath of E8 nerve gas and you will be seeing Elvis driving Santa's sleigh being pulled by a team of dragons.
Carter: First we're going to deal with the dragon, then Elvis.

Jack: How long between the switch flipping and the fireball of destruction.
Fargo: I can rig a delay that should buy you 12 seconds.

Hey you two look like Ghostbusters.

Maybe we should just bow down to our new fireball overlords while we can. Maybe they will spare us.

Parrish: She said she didn't like to role play.
Fargo: Normally you play the part of an asshat.
Parrish: Touché

Fargo: I was in here playing laser tag in my body, the next thing I knew I was in you!
Jack: Never phrase it that way again.

Fargo: My Office dropped into the bunker.
Larry: Evacuation protocols kicked in early.
Jack: Bad time for premature evacuation.

Fargo: You can't let them take it, please.
Allison: Why not?
Fargo: Because Holly's still in there.

Allison: Fargo when was the last time you ate, or bathed, or weren't here?
Fargo: My beloved can't leave so I'm not leaving. Don't worry I have plenty of sick days.

Holly: What are you doing here?
Doug: You're my Princess Leia.
Holly: You're going to help me!
Doug: But I'm not your only hope!

Eureka Quotes

Carter: You sure this is not some sort of science-geek-ren-faire thing?
Allison: Well, either we are both having the same delusion or we are really stuck in 1947.

Carter: What does a nanny have that I don't?
Allison: A PhD in early childhood development with an emphasis on organic nutrition.