House: I'm in an elevator, can't run away.
Dr. Cuddy: Can't run away anyway.
House: That's just mean. Why are we still together?
Dr. Cuddy: We are going to our office.
House: Pronoun confusion. Starts kicking in once you pass child-bearing age.
Dr. Cuddy: Now that's just mean.

Dr. Cuddy: You know you are gonna pay for that?
House: I'm paying for it right now, with the wisdom.

Dr. Cuddy: Thirty-seven-year-old male with recurring blackouts.
House: Tell him to switch from tequila to bourbon, worked for me.

Dr. Cuddy: Why do you even care? It's not like I'm ever going to ask you to babysit.
House: I'm a humanitarian.

Dr. Cuddy: I know this is awkward, but we need to talk.
House: There's a reason that we've evolved a feeling of awkwardness. It tells us not to talk about things.

Dr. Foreman: He didn't need to say no. He just wanted to say no.
Dr. Cuddy: House did something solely out of self-interest. That's freaky.

Dr. Cuddy: A moron storms the clinic, bullies his way into life without parole, you enabling him at every step...
House: He hadn't done what he did, he'd be dead. Good thing you enabled my every medical move.
Cuddy: You think I handled this differently because you were in here?
House: I don't know, let's try it again without me.

House: Why do you think the elevators would be out to get me?
Dr. Cuddy: I don't know. Maybe they wanted to take time off to spend with their little dumbwaiter. But then they had to leave it at home with an elevator sitter because you drove the replacement elevator to quitting because you're incapable of listening to anybody but me. That's just a theory.
House: You're wrong. I don't even listen to you.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah, that makes sense too.
House: "Too"?
Dr. Wilson: I was thinking you actually feel guilty about taking her away from her baby, but your explanation's good too. It's completely inconsistent with your character, but...
House: Thank you, Rationalization Man. You have saved the village!

Dr. Cuddy: Are you doing anything Friday?
House: Taking a lovely young lady to the Philharmonic.
Dr. Cuddy: Is that your way of saying you're having sex with a hooker?
House: Two. Can't create a harmonic with just one.

Dr. Cuddy: The parents haven't told their son that he could have been their daughter. They want assurance that we won't either.
House: Less fun, but still.

Dr. Cuddy: How's the patient?
Nick: Whoa. I would do here in a minute with fudge and a cherry on top. Would someone please explain to this women? There's only so many apologies I can...
Thirteen: He has frontal lobe disinhibition.
Nick: I've already embarrassed myself with one doctor. Who, I am at this moment imagining with you, in a king-size bed with a mirror on the ceiling... I am so, so sorry. (to Cuddy) But if I couldn't have both of you together, you would definitely be my first choice.
Dr. Cuddy: Where's House?
Nick: Like trying not to think of an elephant. Not that you're an elephant. Your breasts in fact are all homo sapiens.
Dr. Foreman: House isn't here.
Dr. Cuddy: Oh, he wouldn't have paged me if he couldn't watch and enjoy this.

House Quotes

Dr. Cameron: House doesn't believe in pretense. Figures life's too short and too painful. So he just says that he thinks.
Dr. Foreman: "I say what I think" is just another way of saying "I'm an assho"...

(about House) The son of a bitch is the best doctor we have.

Dr. Cuddy