Can you believe Aria might be Savannah next year? We have our very own southern belle.

Aria: Where did Mike get access to this kind of money?
Emily: Doesn't A always have access to this kind of money? Maybe this is one of Ali's secret accounts.

Emily: Ali's going on trial for murder, she's trying to take us all down with her, and I keep trying to figure out if a girl is flirting with me or not.
Caleb: Well in the middle of a war, you have to remember what you're fighting for.

Emily: I can't believe you told Ezra and lived to talk about it.
Aria: I know! I wasted so much energy worrying about how he was going to react that I could've been worrying about all the other things I have to worry about.

I don't know if I'm ready to feel brand new.

Paige: They want me somewhere safe.
Emily: California has earthquakes.

Ruin one of us, ruin all of us.

Spencer: Hope is a dirty four letter word.
Emily: We live in an A world.

Aria: If I try to tell Mike that Mona isn't what he's looking for-
Emily: You won't be able to separate them with a crowbar.
Spencer: Colorful, Em. Graphic, but colorful.

No offense, but if she's sad, she could cry in New York.

Emily: Coincidences happen.
Spencer: Yeah, all the time. They grow on trees like coconuts just waiting for you to walk under them.

Emily: Follow him!
Hanna: No you follow him! I have to change my underwear!

Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Emily: A's a terrorist, that's what she wants: To make us worry

Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
