Death is a thief. It takes and keeps all that a person is, the person was. And when death takes from us someone as extraordinary as Amanda, it takes with it not just her past, but who she was to us every day. Amanda was special but she never had it easy. A childhood torn from her. A rough adolescence, and a damning identity that was thrust upon her which she bore with dignity until she made herself a new name, Amanda Porter. A name that was her own. Free from the binds of history, looking forward with a man who loved her for all of her strengths and all of her weaknesses. Amanda, all of us here today have embraced you, and we love you. We will protect the husband and child that you leave behind, the sister that you were just getting to know, and we will greet every new day as a gift, approaching it with the same bravery and determination with which you lived your entire life.

Emily: I wanted to tell him the truth. He deserves that.
Nolan: Someday, maybe. Right now, regardless of how he feels, you can't take Amanda away from him again.

[to Aiden] No more distractions.

To carry a secret is to play with fire. Try to pass it on and you risk hurting someone else. Hold on to it and eventually you'll get burned.

Nolan: I am not entirely convinced your fauxbro plans to hold up his end of the bargain.
Emily: Well, we'll have to make sure he does.

Nolan: That is quite the Achilles you've discovered.
Emily: And tomorrow we sever it.

Nolan: The man, the myth, The Falcon, is back on the Grayson's payroll.
Emily: Then let's go hunting.

In the art of war if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the approaching battles. But if you know only yourself and not your enemy, for every victory, there will also be defeat.

Emily: You're not returning my calls.
Jack: Yeah, I was busy.

Nolan: They have been ahead of us every step of the way. And now, they'll probably kill her if they haven't already, and I told her, Ems, I promised her that I would keep her safe.
Emily: I don't know if Padma is still alive, but I do know that if she is, you are the only person that can find her.

[to Nolan] I know that you are hurting, but you need to stop blaming yourself, get on your computer, and dig until you find them. And I swear to god that when you do, I will help you save her. I give you my word.

I'm a big believer in finishing what you start.

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
