Foreman: You're stealing this guy's oxygen!
House: There's oxygen everywhere.

Chase: It's time to step out of the shadow.
Foreman: It's about time

Let me know if you need anything. Like a transfer.

Foreman: We have a problem.
Wilson: Does it limp?

Foreman: How many of those have you had today?
House: I don't know. Is your "mother" a number?

Cuddy: It's a privacy curtain.
Foreman: Wasn't working.

Foreman: You forgot about the fourth symptom: being absolutely crazy.

You're reading subtext into my silence?

Foreman: House thinks I'm a robot. You think I'm a wuss?
Chase: No, no, no, no. I think you're repressed.

He claims he can swear off sex indefinitely. Also claims that I am a boiling cauldron of repressed rage.

Foreman: You think I'm repressed too?
Taub: I think you're in danger of being dissolved by your own stomach acids.

Chase: What's with the sudden interest in her future?
House: You know, a blacksmith who spends as much time hammering out a new blade from raw Jello, he's curious about who ends up wielding it.
Foreman: no reason to be curious unless you're interested in wielding it yourself.

House Quotes

[To Foreman} That'd be redundant. I've got an angry black guy waiting for me to drop the soap right here.


(To Cuddy) If it turns out she has Meningitis, you're right, you win. But if we go back downstairs and she dies, pfft... your face will be so red!
