You're reading subtext into my silence?

Foreman: You forgot about the fourth symptom: being absolutely crazy.

Cuddy: It's a privacy curtain.
Foreman: Wasn't working.

Foreman: How many of those have you had today?
House: I don't know. Is your "mother" a number?

Foreman: We have a problem.
Wilson: Does it limp?

Let me know if you need anything. Like a transfer.

Chase: It's time to step out of the shadow.
Foreman: It's about time

Foreman: You're stealing this guy's oxygen!
House: There's oxygen everywhere.

House Quotes

Dr. Cameron: House doesn't believe in pretense. Figures life's too short and too painful. So he just says that he thinks.
Dr. Foreman: "I say what I think" is just another way of saying "I'm an assho"...

(about House) The son of a bitch is the best doctor we have.

Dr. Cuddy