Lexie: Were you in love with her?
George: I thought I was? I was scared to admit it but I did not that she, uh, did not like me that way, and... I did it anyway. I shouldn't have, because, besides just being... so selfish, to try to make her want me that way, I just ...

I can do this. I'm not married and cheating on my wife with my best friend. Everything is as it should be.

Lexie: Our guy's been in pain. Pain at a constant 8, for the last seven years, because of an inflamed nerve in his nose. It's crazy.
George: I wish I had an inflamed nerve in my nose.

Lexie: Hey... You passed. We are going to celebrate. I'm going to buy you a beer, and all the peanuts you can eat.
George: What if I didn't pass?
Lexie: Then ... I'll buy you a beer anyway. Beer for losers.

George: Interns don't respect me.
Lexie: I would respect you if I was your intern!
Cristina: George, the interns don't respect you because they're not scared of you. Just decimate one every few days, it's not rocket science.

George: So, tomorrow we will meet one hour before pre-rounds.
Intern 3: Dude, that's like 4 a.m.
Intern 1: Dr. Stevens never made us come in before pre-rounds.
Intern 2: Yeah O'Malley. You gotta chill. [walks away]
George: They probably should say Dr. O'Malley.

Miranda: Okay, two things. You all have a skills lab this morning, it is mandatory, don't even think about trying to get out. Second, one of you will be assisting me in my efforts to remove an inoperable tumor from a 10-year-old girl.
George: I'll do it!
Miranda: No you won't.

George: We're operating on robots now?
Alex: Can we please go back to pigs.
Cristina: Yeah, what about people?
Miranda: Well when the Chief decides which one of you gets to do the first solo surgery, you'll wanna be ready.

George: Are you coming? We gotta do clinic. Flu season fun!
Izzie: Um, yeah ... I ... will catch up with you.
Denny: Me too.
Izzie: Shut up.
George: [stares, confused]
Izzie: Not you.

Lexie: It's done!
Alex: Whatever, Helen Keller.
Lexie: No really. The Chief sent me. They made their choice.
George: Who is it?
Lexie: [points] It's you.

Izzie (to the interns): You want to take narrow slices with the scan so you get a more comprehensive look. What do you see?
George: I see a crazy person taking expensive tests for no reason and, oh, I see the Chief finding out and expelling the crazy person. And then I see joblessness, homelessness and depression. It does not look good, Izzie.

Meredith: What's this patient X thing that's taking all the interns?
Cristina: Yeah, and when's it gonna be over? I need minions to do my crap work!
Alex: It's some new teaching thing.
Cristina: We're all killing ourselves to get into the OR. When's the last time Izzie held a scalpel? She's falling behind. She's like the new O'Malley.
Alex: Izzie's nothing like O'Malley.
George: Hello?

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
