[the cast, narrating]
MEREDITH: "Human beings need a lot of things to feel alive."
GEORGE: "Family"
IZZIE: "Sex"
DEREK: "But we only need one thing"
RICHARD: "To actually be alive."
CRISTINA: "We need a beating heart."
ADDISON: "When our heart is threatened"
ALEX: "We respond in one of two ways."
GEORGE: "We either run or-"
IZZIE: "We attack."
RICHARD: "There's a scientific term for this."
ALEX: "Fight..."
ADDISON: "...or flight."
MIRANDA: "It's instinct."
MEREDITH: "We can't control it."
IZZIE: "Or can we?"

[to Richard] "Aren't you gonna say anything or ... I'm not gonna break... I'm starting to get a little freaked out, but I'm not gonna break. It's not because I don't care, because I do care what you think about me, I do. Care. I just can't tell you want you wanna hear. Which seems to be a theme in my life right now. Just because you can't say something doesn't mean you don't want to. You can want to very much. You can be with a person and be happy with them and not love them. And you can love somebody and not want to be with them. You don't need to love someone to want them. Now that's frustrating, when what your brain tells you you want and what you actually want don't match up. It's exhausting. And, well, its complicated. But that's life. And life... sucks."

GEORGE: "Hey, I was looking for you, where are you going?"
CALLI: "I'm wearing a dress, I have on heels, I shaved my legs. I'm going to the prom."
GEORGE: "You said you didn't wanna go."
CALLI: "No, I said I didn’t wanna go with you."

CALLI: "I said I love you. I said it. I said it out loud, to your face. And ever since... I've never said that to a guy before, ever. Now I'm just this idiot that says I love you and gets avoided."
GEORGE: "No, I'm not avoiding you. I promise."
CALLI: "You gonna say it back?"
GEORGE: [pauses] "No."
CALLI: "I'm humilitated. [George tries to comfort her] No, George, let go. Let me go, let me go!"
GEORGE: "Stop fighting me! If I say it back right now, you know I'm just saying it 'cause you said it to me. When I... when I say I love you, I wanna mean it, because… You just have to give me some time to mean it."
CALLI: "I hate that I'm so into you."

IZZIE: "I think it was a stroke. He was prone to blood clots. A clot could have formed on his sutures and traveled to his brain. It only takes a second."
MEREDITH: "Izzie-"
IZZIE: "Dr. Han did a beautiful job on the surgery. I don't know why I didn't think of blood clots. He died all alone. He was alone."
GEORGE: "There's nothing you could have done."
IZZIE: "I changed my dress three times. I wanted to look nice. I would have been here sooner. But I couldn't figure out which dress to wear."

RICHARD: "People! I know who did this, so you might as well come clean. I know!"
GEORGE: "With all due respect, sir, if you knew you wouldn't be asking us."
IZZIE: "I did it."
MEREDITH: "You have your suspicions, but you don't actually know."
CRISTINA: "Not for sure."
GEORGE: "And you can't do anything to any of us without proof, sir."

[excitedly] "There's no one you'd like me to call? I'd be shouting from the rooftops! Are you sure? Come on, man, it's a miracle! You don't even KNOW!"

GEORGE: "You lived. We both did. Carpe diem, man. Sieze the day!"
PATIENT: [to Cristina] "Any chance you can make him leave?"
CRISTINA: "I really, really wish I could."

CRISTINA: "I've already spent an hour picking bird parts out of this guy. I'm over it."
GEORGE: "Carpe diem."
MEREDITH: "Right, you and my forehead. I'm beginning to look how I feel. Carpe that."
GEORGE: "This is the luckiest day in the world!"
CRISTINA: "Tell that to the bird."

CRISTINA: [about Preston] "He's seen me naked a thousand times."
GEORGE: "Bad! Bad images in my head!"

[to George] "Well, you just tell that bastard that he could have come looking for me like ten years ago."


[Referring to Meredith] "I saw her first!"

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
