Jack: That was a little unsettling, are you ok?
Grace: Not even close, let's go!

Jack: But the remote will work once we get outside GD, right?
Parrish: Theoretically.
Jack: I...... hate that word.

Jack: I didn't mean... the.. uh.. this..
Jo: safety in numbers.
Jack: Ok, so this is weird.

Zane: You saw her naked.
Jack: What are you six?

Zane: Do you think its dead?
Jack: [watches lake boil] I'm going to say no.

Jack: Thanks for the save
Jo: It's kinda of my job.
Jack: Hope you keep it.

Vincent: Zane forgot his sunglasses
Jack: Oh, I will take them to him [picks up sunglasses] Wow, nice shades Ponch!

Warren: In case things don't go well, Sheriff I will need you to handle the redactions.
Jack: That doesn't sound "breezy"

Fargo: I was in here playing laser tag in my body, the next thing I knew I was in you!
Jack: Never phrase it that way again.

Zane: If you're at my place, then you're in my body.
Jack: Yep! You went a little nuts with the hair trimmer don't ya think?

Allison: I need you to stay perfectly still and no talking unless I tell you too.
Jack: Ok, no moving around while your tooling around in my brain; fair, that's fair.

Fargo: My Office dropped into the bunker.
Larry: Evacuation protocols kicked in early.
Jack: Bad time for premature evacuation.

Eureka Quotes

Carter: You sure this is not some sort of science-geek-ren-faire thing?
Allison: Well, either we are both having the same delusion or we are really stuck in 1947.

Carter: What does a nanny have that I don't?
Allison: A PhD in early childhood development with an emphasis on organic nutrition.