Emily: He barely knows her.
Jack: I thought that's what dating was for. To get to know someone.

[To Amanda's grave] I wore this for one night as a married man, and I've worn it ever since to honor you, maybe subconsciously to convince people that I had someone to share my days with, and my nights. But I don't anymore. It's time for me to try to move on. I miss you with all my heart.

Jack: Are we just the poster children for your new public image?
Conrad: What, do you mean do I have a selfish motivation for this? You bet.

Emily: You're not returning my calls.
Jack: Yeah, I was busy.

Jack: I was hoping you and Charlotte could look after Carl for a few days.
Declan: Yeah, man, we've got you covered. Does that mean you're going to do something fun for a change?
Jack: Guilty as charged.

So how was your visit to the land of entitled teenagers?

I don't know if she's screwing with me or she's in serious trouble.

I could never hate you, and not for lack of trying. It's just that after seeing Aiden today, I think you deserve more than you're getting.

Oh Dec, what the hell man? It smells terrible in here!

Conrad: Our very own 'Joe the Plumber,' if you will.
Jack: You want me to convince the poor guy to vote for the rich guy?
Ashley: In the most reductive terms, yes.

Nolan: I understand if our relationship is finished. If it is, at least it ended in truth.
Jack: I'm your friend, Nolan.

Jack: I hate that my first instinct is to protect her after everything that she's done.
Nolan: You're not alone.

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
