Never date a zombie they have no respect for the law.

Yes Maura, I am sabotaging your knight to queen, castle thingy move.

Lydia can barely tie her own shoes.

Oh my God. I'm going straight to hell. I'm stealing a sippy cup.

Tommy: What do I do with him?
Jane: Use two hands.

Popov can't find his own ass unless you put his hand on it.

You'd be even weirder than you are if you didn't want to know your biological mother.

Jane: I hate you.
Maura: You don't hate me, you just hate feeling vulnerable.

Maura: Males seek mates capable of nursing offspring. Abundant breasts do suggest...
Jane: You know what his abundant belly suggest? Snowball's chance in hell.

Jane: I hate it when you correct me.
Maura: I hate it when you forget about Mr. Adverb.

Thank you for playing the annoy the uncaffeinated detective game

I don't know if I'd die for you but I'd come damn close.