Aidan: What next stage? You already slept with her.
Josh: That wasn't me. Stu stole my penis.

Aidan: She's asked me to help lead Boston.
Josh: Mother? Am I supposed to be clutching my pearls in shock? Because I'm not. Shocked.

May I ask what inspired you to ask one of our only "muggle" friends over during this particularly supernatural time?

Sally: One of those bodies is a purebred werewolf corpse. If we're splittin' hairs, I, you know...
Josh: Hey, you know what? Screw the keg. Pick up us some crack.

Licking strangers. This is uh, this is a new one for me. Licking people. That's disgusting.

Aidan: I'm free.
Josh: What?
Aidan: I'm free. From all of it.
Josh: Then isn't this great news? Shouldn't you be like in a field somewhere in white linen rolling around in daisies?

Josh: I will protect you from this. I still can.
Julia: No Josh, it's too late.

Nora: Can I get a mocha? Cuz, you know, chocolate is toxic to dogs.
Josh: You're not a dog.
Nora: But I am a canine right?
Josh: Once a month. One night a month. The rest of the time we're still us.

I feel like I'm the only one trying. Like I'm dangling off a cliff by my fingertips and you're up there stomping on them!

Josh: Oh, and this you're gonna love. They want to help me find a cure.
Aidan: Bastards!

Why is the bathroom mirror calling me a whore?

Uh...I have very sensitive retinas, so....

Being Human Quotes

Every human spends a night or two on the dark side and regrets it. But what if you only exist - on the dark side?


We're all hiding something, aren't we? From the moment we wake, look in that little mirror, all we do is spin our little lies.
