Why is the bathroom mirror calling me a whore?

Dial up! Oh. Yeah. I'm old school, too. Call waiting is cool. Smart cars are dumb.

Licking strangers. This is uh, this is a new one for me. Licking people. That's disgusting.

There is an arm. In your house! In the breadbox! There's an arm!

Nora: Can I get a mocha? Cuz, you know, chocolate is toxic to dogs.
Josh: You're not a dog.
Nora: But I am a canine right?
Josh: Once a month. One night a month. The rest of the time we're still us.

Josh: Dude! We're nurses, we're not too well versed on like eye of newt! Can't we just bring a weapon, like a normal weapon?
Aidan: Look, the heart of the bewitched, Sally's heart, is our weapon.
Sally: Dorothy only needed a bucket of water!

Aidan: I made him, Josh. He's my son.
Josh: Did you make him without skin?!

Josh: Hey you okay?
Aidan: Oh yeah! I am great, just great. I was going to go out and get us a keg.
Josh: Perfect.

Sally: I don't think it's right, putting her in storage.
Josh: It's not like I'm putting her in a well.

Sally: And don't mention anything about being a werewolf.
Josh: Right, because I usually lead with that.

Yeah, I don't even really know how to respond to that. I mean, I can see that you're speaking English and I know your lips are moving, but I...

Emma: I can walk you know.
Josh: No, we tried that and you fell, remember?

Being Human Quotes

Every human spends a night or two on the dark side and regrets it. But what if you only exist - on the dark side?


We're all hiding something, aren't we? From the moment we wake, look in that little mirror, all we do is spin our little lies.
