Why is the bathroom mirror calling me a whore?

All I've ever done, all I've ever wanted to do is protect you.

Emma: Am I gonna see balls?
Josh: I'm so glad you're here. My beautiful baby sister. I need someone who's required to love me.

Licking strangers. This is uh, this is a new one for me. Licking people. That's disgusting.

Emma: I can walk you know.
Josh: No, we tried that and you fell, remember?

The most screwed up part about being here with you? Is this feels almost normal. Confiding in you like we used to.

Aidan: I made him, Josh. He's my son.
Josh: Did you make him without skin?!

Stu: I heard you're a werewolf. You're kind of a big deal back home.
Josh: Great. I'm huge in Ithaca.

You didn't come to the hospital to see me. You were following Julia.

You say you love her, but look what you did. Now, I either bring her in closer or I break her heart. Either way, I destroy her.

What's the non-corporeal equivalent of a glass of water in the face?

I'm sorry, it's the wolf. If I may talk about it in the 3rd person.

Being Human Quotes

Every human spends a night or two on the dark side and regrets it. But what if you only exist - on the dark side?


We're all hiding something, aren't we? From the moment we wake, look in that little mirror, all we do is spin our little lies.
