Damon: I'm gonna barf.
Katherine: Great. Then my work here is done.

Katherine: I'm the one who taught you how to love.
Damon: I'll see you in Hell, Katherine.

Don't piss off the diabolical ones.

Katherine: I just needed a place to crash.
Caroline: What? I loathe you!

So how do you help the guy who always comes to the rescue. Stefan's the hero; it's who he is at his core. He can't always come through for himself but he can always come through for everyone else.

I'm Katherine Pierce. I survive.

Cold, manipulative, good hair. You really are my daughter.

Do you like who I am or do you miss who I was?

Which one of you is gonna get to kill the elusive Katherine Pierce once and for all?

Bon Bon, no need for goodbye. I'll see you on the flip side.

Damon: Stop being cute.
Katherine: I can't help it.

Humanity is a vampire’s greatest weakness. No matter how easy it is to turn it off, It keeps trying to fight its way back in. Sometimes I let it.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Elena: You keep a journal?
Stefan: Memories are too important.

Elena, don't go to the bridge. It's Death, Elena. Your death is waiting there.
