Nico: Thank you for being such a trooper
Kirby: What did you expect me to do? Throw a fit? Starting knocking things over?
Nico: I thought it was a possibility
Kirby: Lady, I'm not giving you any excuses to get rid of me

Nico: I'm sorry I'm not living up to your high moral standards these days.
Wendy: No, don't do that. I'm not the one who flew my boy toy half way around the world for a booty call

Kirby: You should have lunch here more often.
Nico: Maybe next time you'll actually give me something to eat.

Nico: I think Charles is having an affair
Kirby: So maybe this is the universe's way of telling you you don't have to feel guilty anymore

Nico: It isn't about other people, it's me. We're just in different places in our lives. When we met were in this vacuum and now we're not. It's real. I just don't want to fool myself into thinking... look... I'm someone who always has a plan. I look at you... and it.. it scares me because i have no idea where this is going...
Kirby: Do you have to know tonight?
Nico: No.. come on.
Kirby: Where?
Nico: Out to dinner. Some place crowded.

Kirby: Aren't I still the guy who filed for sexual harass at Bonfire?
Nico: You're the Editor in Chief's boyfriend
Kirby: I like it

i have to admit this is the nicest thing I've ever tried on.. Ralph Lauren really knows what he's doing

Kirby: I love Halloween
Nico: Oh come on it's just an excuse for woman to dress up like sluts and for men to wear makeup without their masculinity questioned
Kirby: ...and there goes my Jack Sparrow costume

Nico: I thought you got a haircut at 2
Kirby: I did. It's 3:30. Did it already grow back?

Kirby: My mom is very casual
Nico: Are you saying I'm overdressed?
Kirby: Always..
[Kirby begins undressing her]

[upon hearing Nico and Tina went to the same Annie Lennox concert]
Kirby: That's wild, you two could have been standing next to each waving your cell phones
Tina: tell him we used to use lighters back then, right after we invented fire

Kirby: I'm feeling kind of dirty how about we take a shower
Nico: You know what there's still stuff on the table
Kirby: Yeah but the dishes can wait, I can't

Lipstick Jungle Quotes

I can't think less of you. You've smelled like mop & glow for the last week.

Victory [to Roy]

Wendy: Sounds like someone is driving without breaks.
Victory [whispers]: Gun it.