She can't take criticism about her driving. Once an old lady yelled at her at a crosswalk, she honked so long, the horn ran out.

Jay: He wants more wow. What does that even mean?
Manny: It's the Bieberization of America.

Manny: Oh no, who will pee all over the bathroom floor?
Luke: I was brushing my teeth at the same try to do that.

I noticed some lovely some lovely tweens down by the kids' club, maybe we can find a nice spot near them by the pool and send over a couple of virgin Mai Tais. They may be interested in two sophisticated men like us.

Manny: These will be my last words to you.
Jay: Knock knock.
Manny: Who's there?

Manny: I wish I could stay home with you and fly toy airplanes.
Jay: These aren't toy airplanes, Manny. These are models and they're very complicated. You wanna fly one of these, you gotta be familiar with air foyle, drag, lift and thrust, and these are all principles of aerodynamics.
Manny: The box says twelve and up.
Jay: What?!
Gloria: You can fly toy planes with Jay next time. Today you have to spend time with Luke.
Manny: Why?
Gloria: Because his mother invited you, so you go. Family needs to be close, right Jay?
Jay [looking at the box]: I'm pretty sure this is a typo

Manny: I see you're still forklifting.
Jackson: More like lifting the fork!
Manny: I was gonna say that!

I'm trying to get a hold of more butts... Very funny, I don't have time for this foolishness.

Luke: Manny and I are going to practice lay-ups.
Manny: They are deceptively hard. A curious mix of dance and strength.
Luke: You're ruining it again.

Manny: It was the second thing that slipped right out from under me today. The first was my childhood.
Jay: I get it.

Manny: Jay, haven't you noticed the spring in my step?
Jay: Oh, kids say cruel things, that doesn't mean you'll turn out that way.
Manny: No, we have something in common. I'm seeing a younger woman.

Look at Luke there, making one big straw out of three. Never change, Luke.