That goo looks great. I say stick with the goo.

Forget about your hands. Look at those cheekbones...You're genetically blessed.

Poor, Mr. Green Eyes. Let's not pretend being beautiful's a burden.

Callie: Does anyone want to argue with my extra special vagina vote?
Mark: No, thank you.
Arizona: No.
Callie: Good. My votes and I have also decided we want Mark to rub my feet.
Mark:...I'll get the lotion.

Sloan: That's my kid in there. I'm a dad. We're parents. A baby!
Callie: Okay, you're in.
Sloan: Should we get married?
Callie: Oh, no. I mean I'm all for raising a baby with you, but there's a line.

Sloan: A baby?
Callie: Growing like a weed in my uterus.
Sloan: Not like a weed... like a mighty oak.

Callie: You can be the cool uncle that hangs out on Sundays.
Mark: I'm not the cool uncle. I'm the dad.

I don't want to be the cool uncle. The cool uncle's only cool until the kid's like nine and then the cool uncle's just creepy.

Derek: How can Meredith and I try for months and not have any luck and you look at someone and a baby appears.
Mark: Sloans are unusually fertile.

Arizona: What the hell do I have to cop to to make her give me another chance?
Sloan: You bail. When things get hard, you bail.

I'd choose her over you in the divorce. You know that, right?

I probably shouldn't have used permanent marker. My apologies.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
