The second we talk about us out loud is when it becomes real.

It's not that he doesn't have feelings for you, it's that he thinks he has feelings for me.

Don't be a coward. If you are going to stick a knife in me, don't hide behind the group.

You just hit me, with a pillow.

Marti:Have they met you? Have they seen your bedspread?
Savannah: It's a coverlet.

Do you even know what a felony is?

I'm really feeling alone right now.

Football is not too big to fail, just wait and see.

Dan and I work as friends, that's all I want.

Explain exactly how my dad was playing a gig five years after you told me he died!

Don't you like the thrill of it, the element of danger?

You're a good friend. I chose you over cheerleading.

Hellcats Quotes

There is a scholarship for cheerleading? For being a football groupie?


You know what gets me through? Hope.
