Adam: Things will get better, I promise.
Melissa: When? I thought having magic was supposed to be magical.

I guess my taste in guys has hit a new low I never imagined possible.

Nick: Why do you wanna go to the dance together?
Melissa: Because I'm feeling kind of slutty!

Diana: No. Not impossible. We can't think that way. We're witches, dammit. We can get whoever we want.
Melissa: Because we're witches?
Diana: No. Because we're tough. And we're dressed kinda slutty.

Melissa: Faye, I just told you Cassie dug up her father's grave.
Faye: Of course she did, because she's a creepy little Stepford ghoul with dark magic and daddy issues.

The six of us together couldn't stop Samuel and he only had one demon in him, Eben has six!

Faye: Don't be that pathetic girl who thinks "he will change for me," they never change.
Melissa: Ok I got it, he's a loser, I'm a loser, feel better?

You're a master elder with a badass cloaking spell and you use it to hide your girly mags?

If I has as much power as you think I do, do you really want to test it?

Faye was saying some things and I made the mistake of listening.

Melissa: Don't go bragging.
Nick: I'm gonna brag about you??!?
Melissa: You're an ass.

John: Very creative, like your mother.
Melissa: I didn't realize you knew her that well.
John: Oh yeah, we spent hours in these woods and she showed me all the plants medicinal properties. You meant the world to her.

Secret Circle Quotes

Oh for God's sake, spit it out! You're a witch. You're a full-blooded, hundred percent witch. We all are. There, done.


Cassie: Are you doing this?
Adam: We are.