Meredith: Why where you going through her things?
Derek: I was trying to find space for my clothes. Your closet is full.
Meredith: Oh.

You're my person.

FINN: "You're driving me crazy with the hovering.
MEREDITH: [sighs] "This could be a mistake. This. Us. You, you, you’re a really nice guy and well, you're, you don't want to get involved with me. If you knew me..."
FINN: "Scary."
FINN: "And damaged. See, I told you."

Meredith: April, don't talk about Cristina. Just mind your own business.
April: I'm sorry. I was just concerned. I'll try not to be.

He's different. I don't know how to explain it, but I think he realizes what makes him happy and he's choosing it. And that makes me happy. I think this is his moment.

DEREK: "Hi... Look, I know, I know this is an impossible day for you, so I just wanna say one thing: I brought a black suit. Just in case."
MEREDITH: "Thank you. But I think this is something I need to do by myself."
DEREK: "Okay. If you need me, just... just let me know."

PRESTON: "How you doin', Grey?"
MEREDITH: "Oh, I'm fine, sir, thank you."

Cristina was the third wheel in our marriage.

Mark: Ah, Stevens, Grey.
Meredith: Yes!
Mark: No, the other Grey.
Lexie: Really? Great.
Meredith: Great.
Mark: You did an awesome job in there. Call me after the pre op labs come in.

Alex: You'll be okay.
Meredith: Me? This is about you. You think this is noble, what you're doing? It isn't. It's giving up. And it's buying into everything you've ever said about yourself, and I won't let you do it.
Alex: You'll be fine.
Meredith: You are not going to jail.
Alex: You'll be just be fine.
Meredith: Stop making this about me. Stop using me as an excuse to make yourself feel better. Of course I will be be fine. I'm always fine. Don't you know that? This is about you. You will be destroyed. Your life, your career, everything... will be finished. Who you are will be gone.

Jackson: I just wish we had more time.
Meredith: You did your whole name!

Amelia: Damn it!
Meredith: I just got here, I haven't had a chance to screw anything up yet.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
