As doctors we have an arsenal of weapons after any. Antibiotics to kill infections. Narcotics to fight pain. Scalpels and retractors to remove tumors and cancers - to eradicate the threat. But just the physical threat, for every other threat - you are on your own.

We're doctors - we're trained to care for human beings and we're pretty sure we know what to look for.

Bailey: So what happened after jouvey?
Meredith: Dr. Bailey, I don't think Alex -
Bailey: Mind your business.

Their marriage is not your lane. Your lane is here with me. Stay in it.


I don't even know how it got this far.

Meredith: You know what, I'm good. I'm off the hook. I did what I was supposed to do. I offered. Mother Theresa would be proud.
Alex: You gotta go back in there.
Meredith: And do what? Cry and call him daddy?
Alex: He's the sick one okay. He's sick and you're not. You've gotta go back in there. Just say what you've gotta say, and make him take it.
Meredith: Alex, I tried.
Alex: Try again.

Thatcher: Meredith.
Meredith: We found a match.
Thatcher: What?
Meredith: We found a match, a donor liver. So, we're gonna schedule the surgery for tonight.
Thatcher: That's terrific. I... But I thought I wasn't eligible for the transplant list.
Meredith: It's not from the list, it's me. I got tested, and my cross match was negative, which means we're an ideal match. So, I'm gonna go get admitted, and we'll do this.
Thatcher: Ah, Mer... I'm a drunk Meredith. I did this. I put myself in this bed. I broke me. I can't... I won't let you put me back together. I put you through enough. It's a generous offer. I can't... I can't accept it.

Meredith: Is this our optic glioma guy?
Derek: Mhm. Are you sure you're up for this? There'll be others, I promise.
Meredith: Yeah, you know, everyone is looking at me like I owe him something. But, he's still the bad guy here.
Derek: You don't owe him anything. (Kisses her)
Meredith: I...

Meredith: Is he dead?
Lexie: No.
Meredith: Oh.
Bailey: We rushed Dr Grey's labs. She wasn't a match.
Meredith: Oh, ok. What about Holly?
Lexie: Ah, you... Molly. Our sister?
Meredith: Yeah.
Lexie She lives at an army base with her husband in Bahrain. Plus, she has a history of DBT so she can't be a donor.
Meredith: Oh.
Richard: Meredith, we didn't call you here to... We thought you should know before we go in and tell him. Just incase.
Meredith: Right. Right, no. Thank you for keeping me in the loop. Thank you. I have to um, go prep for my surgery now. Ok.

Meredith: My dad's dead. At first I thought he was drunk, then he started puking blood. And, puking blood and disorientation usually means...
Derek: End stage liver failure.
Meredith: Which mean's he's probably dead by now. Or he needs a transplant, and I hope he's not a candidate. Because that means he'd be in the hospital for months.
Alex: Uh, Mer.
Meredith: He needs a transplant doesn't he?
Alex: Yeah.

Lexie: Meredith, his neighbor said that he wasn't getting his mail.
Meredith: Ugh.
Thatcher: I heard that you got married on a sticker. That's great.
Cristina: We should go so you can have family time.
Lexie: No, I don't . I don't know what's wrong with him.
Meredith: Did you pick him up off the floor of a bar Lexie? That might be a clue.
Thatcher: Uh, I'm not. I haven't been drinking I just... (Thatcher throws up blood)
Cristina: Now that could be surgical.

Cristina: I'm done, finished, expired meat.
Meredith: You're freaking out a little bit.
Cristina: Well, you haven't been kicked off 2 services in one month. I couldn't get into an OR if I was bleeding half to death. You got anything good?
Meredith: I'm scrubbing in on an optic glioma later on with Derek. I've never seen one.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
