If you ever cheat on me, I will kill you.

Don't talk to me. She knew I would hate you and she didn't want me to hate you. You know what that means? She's planning on forgiving you or trying to find a way to forgive you. It doesn't matter if it was just sex. She didn't want me to know and now I do. So, don't.

We are not having this conversation, just stop!

I was staring at Simba.

We have a phrase in the operating room. Don't pet the lion. It means no matter how nice a tumor looks, how small it is, how perfect it's margins may be, it's still a tumor. It's still dangerous and it can bite.

Our intentions are always pure. We always want to do what is right, but we also have the drive to push boundaries. So we're in danger of taking things to far. We're told to do no harm while we're trained to cut you open with a knife. So when we do things when we should have left well enough alone. Because its hard to admit when there's no problem to treat, to let it alone before we make it so much worse. Because we cause terrible damage.

Meredith: This is going to turn out like Rebecca.
Cristina: Oh, smashed up face? That was bad.
Meredith: She's going to fall for you, then go crazy, then pee on my couch.

Lexie removed a tumor from a patient today and now he thinks we corked her.

Derek: Come back to me.
Meredith: What's to miss in Neuro?
Derek: Me.

We're trained to be vigilant, to chase down the problem, to ask all the right questions, to find the root cause until we know exactly what it is and we confront it. It takes an extreme amount of caution or we can't overstep ourselves. We can create problems that don't exist.

You can seek the advice of others, surround yourself with trusted advisors. But in the end, the decision is always yours and yours alone. And when it's time to act and you're all alone with your back against the wall, the only voice that matters is the one in your head. The one telling you what you already knew. The one that's almost always right.

I haven't seen my husband or baby since yesterday and I don't even care because Callie blew my mind. I'm going to make the boards my bitch!

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
