Michel: You do know that not everyone finds the idea of being pelted with frozen water appealing.
Lorelai: I know, and how sad for them.
Michel: The thrilling sensation of getting lost in a blizzard, of freezing to death in the woods and having to eat your friend's buttocks to stay alive: that is lost on many people.

Lorelai: (asking about the weather) Hey, how is it out there?
Michel: It is cold and gray, like a fat, dead pigeon.

Lorelai: Michel, it's the first snowfall of the season. It's very lucky! Make a wish!
Michel: Get away from me.
Lorelai: Oh, you're not supposed to say it out loud.
(Michel answers the phone.)
Lorelai: (to herself) The world changes when it snows. It's quiet. Everything softens.
Michel: It's your mother.
Lorelai: And then the rain comes.

Lorelai: Oh, hey, Rory's birthday party is this Saturday night so start thinking up reasons why you can't come.
Michel: I'm going to be out of town.
Lorelai: Ooh, you used that one last year.
Michel: I'll work on it and get back to you.
Lorelai: 7:00, presents mandatory.

Hello? Hello? Where is Lorelai? I am dropping something off. Yoohoo, Hee Haw man, where's Lorelai Gilmore?

Sir, I'm just a simple country boy from Texas. I do not understand this francais business you're babbling about.

</i> Michel

Michel: Fine, I shall be French, but I shall not be happy.
Lorelai: Then you will be yourself. Good choice! (pats him on the back)

Michel: I don't know how many French people you've met over the years, but most of them are insufferable.
Lorelai: Really!
Michel: That is why I left France.
Lorelai: Huh. I thought it had something to do with the torches, and the villagers.

Michel: You are mourning a cat?
Lorelai: Yes.
Michel: They lick their privates, these cats.
Lorelai: Not the comforting chit-chat we're looking for.

Michel: (to Lorelai) Can I kill her?
Loreali: Not before high tea.
Michel: (to Drella) Fine. Then I will curse you constantly and in several languages.

Michel: There's a man with a funny accent on the phone asking for you.
Lorelai: Really? Did you guys exchange the secret handshake?

Michel: (after Drella runs into him with her harp) Oh, you imbecile!
Drella: Back off, Chevalier.
Michel: You're stupid, blind, and clumsy!
Drella: Yeah, well, at least I'm not French.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
